welcome to:

Neighboring Fields

Homeward Bound.

Blooms End at Neighboring Fields is a soon-to-be pastry-coffee-&-tea wagon located on the Marin-Sonoma border. Also included: pastoral views, souvenirs, and old country songs humming on the tape player.

Blooms End has been a traveling bakery for almost five years. It’s finally time to head home.

From sourcing ingredients to creating a unique aesthetic, Blooms End has always held attention to detail at its core. Now, we’re applying that same level of care and intention in approaching next steps.

Why the name evolution? Blooms End has such a strong identity as a traveling bakery, and it felt important to pay tribute to, and not erase, that journey. The name Neighboring Fields, borrowed from a Willa Cather novel, hints to the collaborative nature of this project. First and foremost a home for Blooms End pastries, Neighboring Fields is located at the historic Union Elementary one-room schoolhouse alongside Tenfold Farmstand and will feature beverages by Mother Tongue Coffee and Molly’s Refresher, as well as souvenirs designed by Jason Cryer. One day, we hope to host pop-ups, too, the way so many businesses did for Blooms End.

We’ve gotten pretty good at dream-world-building with Blooms End. Think of Neighboring Fields as another spot on the hand drawn map at the end of the paperback novel. It’s dream-like and romantic and a little nonsensical, but isn’t that what makes it so special?

Blooms End at Neighboring Fields is coming early 2024 to 5300 Red Hill Road in Petaluma.

Neighboring Fields Frequently Asked Questions

  • As much as I love doing the weekly pop-ups, it’s time to take the next step. And that means leaving some things behind. Yes, the Neighboring Fields wagon is meant to be Blooms End’s permanent home, and we won’t have the bandwidth to be in two place at once, at least at first. I haven’t entirely ruled out the possibility of doing the occasional pop-up event in some of my favorite old haunts, but it will take getting settled into Neighboring Fields first.

  • I know I have a lot of customers in San Francisco and the East Bay who may be disappointed that I’ll no longer be setting up shop in their neighborhoods. Moving on from pop-ups meant putting down some roots, and it just didn’t feel true to me or to Blooms End for those roots to be in a city. One of my favorite parts of being in a different spot every week was that each pop-up felt special and limited and like something to celebrate. And I think by choosing a location that’s a little bit out of the way preserves some of that. I’m excited to be a part of the Petaluma community, but welcoming day trippers from all over the Bay is going to be a major highlight.

  • Neighboring Fields is not a brick and mortar location for Blooms End. It is a mobile food trailer parked at a Petaluma farmstand. Baking will continue to happen at my commercial kitchen in Sausalito. The mobile food trailer direction was a very intentional choice, one that will allow Blooms End to grow without the heavy burden of a full brick & mortar space, to hopefully keep some of that magic of the pop-up days.

  • Building for the Neighboring Fields wagon is underway. I’m hoping for it to be ready sometime early 2024. There are a lot of factors that aren’t up to me though, so we’ll just have to see. I will continue Saturday pop-ups in my usual spots until the wagon is ready, at which point operations will move solely to Neighboring Fields.

  • Expect a gradual roll-out, but the initial goal is for Neighboring Fields to be open Friday and Saturday, 10 am to 2 pm. You’ll find coffee and tea and souvenirs during those hours. The full Blooms End pastry menu will be available Friday and Saturday, 10 am to sold out.